Buster captcha solver for humans

216    Asked by Aashishchaursiya in Java , Asked on Jun 6, 2024

 You are at the grocery store to buy ingredients for making spaghetti. List three items that you would put in your shopping cart”. How can I implement this situation-based CAPTCHA solver in a web-based application by using JavaScript and a backend language like Python for verification? 

Answered by Dorine Hankey

 In the context of Selenium, here are the appropriate approach given of how you can implement this situation-based CAPTCHA solver in a web-based application by using JavaScript and a backend language like Python for verification:-


You can display a form asking the users to list the three items that they would buy at the grocery store for making spaghetti.


You can verify the response of the user against a predefined list bid acceptable answers.

Front-end (Java and HTML)

    <meta</span> charset=”UTF-8”>

    Keyword Buster CAPTCHA


        You are at the grocery store to buy ingredients for making spaghetti. List three items you would put in your shopping cart:






             Async function validateCaptcha() {
  Const userInput = document.getElementById(‘captchaInput’).value;
            Const response = await fetch(‘/validate-captcha’, {
                Method: ‘POST’,
                Headers: {
                    ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’
                Body: JSON.stringify({ answer: userInput })
            Const result = await response.json();
            Document.getElementById(‘captchaResult’).textContent = result.message;
            Return false;


Back-end (Python using flask)
From flask import Flask, request, jsonify
App = Flask(__name__)
# Predefined list of acceptable answers
Acceptable_answers = {“pasta”, “tomato sauce”, “garlic”, “onions”, “olive oil”, “basil”, “parmesan cheese”}
@app.route(‘/validate-captcha’, methods=[‘POST’])
Def validate_captcha():
    Data = request.get_json()
    User_answers = set(map(str.strip, data[‘answer’].split(‘,’)))
    If user_answers.intersection(acceptable_answers):
        Return jsonify({“message”: “CAPTCHA passed!”})
        Return jsonify({“message”: “CAPTCHA failed. Please try again.”}), 400
If __name__ == ‘__main__’:

The HTML form would collect the input of the users. The JavaScript function “validateCaptcha” would send the input of the user to the backend to validate by using a POST request.


The Python flask server would receive the inputs, it would now split it into individual items and then it would check if any of the items match the predefined acceptable answers. If there is a match then it will return a success message, otherwise, it will return a failure message.

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