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277    Asked by Amitraj in Java , Asked on Oct 13, 2022

Is there a program that can convert HTML, CSS and JavaScript into an exe? A similar question was asked on StackOverflow: How can you convert html css and javascript into an exe?

Answered by Andrew Jenkins

very good open-source and extremely actively developed options to convert html to exe are

Electron, by GitHub. Lets you build cross-platform Windows, MacOS, and Ubuntu applications from HTML/JavaScript/CSS. It works by embedding them into a Chromium build alongside with Node.js. Many applications such as Slack and Visual Studio code are built with Electron. Cordova, by the Apache Foundation. Targets Android, iOS, and Windows from HTML/JavaScript/CSS. It works by embedding them into a WebView (or whatever is the equivalent on the target platform). Proton Native. Works with React Native components and does not use Electron (see above), which makes generated apps therefore more "lightweight" than the ones generated by Electron. Uses libui under the hood.

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