What is the meaning of “cannot use import statement” in JavaScript?

242    Asked by Unnatigautam in Java , Asked on Nov 6, 2023

I was working on my software development project when I encountered with teasing problem of not using import statements. Now I have no idea why this error occurred and how to solve this particular error. Can you provide me with some help regarding this testing patience error?

Answered by Chris Dyer

The “cannot use import statement outside a module” is a frequent problem or issue in javascript. It occurs generally during the use of ES6 module syntax in non-module script environments. This may occur due to the import statement being exclusive to javascript modules. It can be activated by using [removed] in HTML.

If you want to resolve this specific problem then ensure that the script environment is a module. You can also convert the code to an environment that supports modules. If you are working within a non-module environment, it can target a broader range of environments. If you want some other alternatives then you should consider restricting the code to use other modules loading methods. 

Some examples of these loading methods are commonJS or AMD. These are compatible with all non-module script environments. Hence, by using these techniques you can avoid the particular “cannot use import statement” error.

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