From where can I download Java 1.4 2

768    Asked by AngelaBaker in Java , Asked on Oct 13, 2022

 I want to install Java JRE 1.4.2 or JDK 1.4.2 on a recent Amazon Linux server. The best option so far seems to install from source. However - where can I download this? I believe 1.4 is still from the Sun era, but I can't find it on the Oracle site, and the sun site is gone. Openjdk has no 1.4 downloads afaik.

Where can I download Java 1.4.2 source code?

As the goal is to get the installation working, other options are welcome. I tried to install the bin file, but got an error: cannot execute binary file.

Answered by Angela Baker

You can't download the complete source code for Java 1.4 2, Sun never published it (as far as I'm aware). On the Oracle page you link to, scroll down to version 1.4.2_19 and you'll find installation packages for 32-bit Intel CPUs, which you may be able to use on your Amazon server (if you can install the necessary 32-bit supporting libraries).

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