How can create a jQuery which can help me in checkbox-checked events?
I am currently working on a web-based application that has a list of tasks with checkboxes. Each checkbox includes a specific task and I need to execute a feature that can update the task status when any checkbox is checked or unchecked. How can I use the jQuery function which can listen to the “change” event of a checkbox?
Moreover, my task is to design a jQuery function whose name should be ‘updatetaskstatus’ which can respond to the ‘change’ event of the checkbox assuming that I have a function of ‘updateTaskStatusOnServer’ which can send the AJAX request for updating the task status on the server.
Provide the structure of the function of jQuery which can achieve the following functionalities:-
// HTML structure example:
// <input type=”checkbox” class=”task-checkbox” data-task-id=”123”>
$(document).ready(function() {
$(‘.task-checkbox’).change(function() {
Var taskID = $(this).data(‘task-id’);
Var isChecked = $(this).is(‘:checked’);
updateTaskStatusOnServer(taskID, isChecked);
// Implement the function updateTaskStatusOnServer to send the AJAX request
// This function should handle updating the task status on the server
In the context of Java programming language, you can listen for the ‘change’ event on the specific checkboxes to determine when their state (checked or unchecked) changes. Here is the example given to showcase how you can handle the ‘change’ even for the checkboxes:-
$(document).ready(function() {
// Attach a change event listener to checkboxes with class ‘task-checkbox’
$(‘.task-checkbox’).change(function() {
// Retrieve the task ID associated with the checkbox
Var taskID = $(this).data(‘task-id’);
// Check if the checkbox is checked or unchecked
Var isChecked = $(this).is(‘:checked’);
// Perform an action (e.g., update task status on the server via AJAX)
updateTaskStatusOnServer(taskID, isChecked);
// Function to update the task status on the server via AJAX request
Function updateTaskStatusOnServer(taskID, isChecked) {
// Replace this with your actual AJAX call to update task status
// Example:
url: ‘your_update_endpoint’,
method: ‘POST’,
data: {
taskID: taskID,
isChecked: isChecked
Success: function(response) {
// Handle success response
Error: function(xhr, status, error) {
// Handle error
Console.log(“Updating task ID: “ + taskID + “, isChecked: “ + isChecked);
// This is a placeholder, replace it with your actual AJAX implementation
The $(document).ready() function would ensure that the script should be run after the DOM is fully loaded.
The ‘change’() function will attach a handler for the ‘change’ event for elements that have the class ‘task-checkbox’.
In this particular handler function '$(this)' refers to the checkbox which can trigger the event.
‘$(this).data(task is) would retrieve the task ID which is associated with the checkbox.
‘$(this).is(checked) would check if the checkbox is checked or unchecked.
The ‘updateTaskStatusOnServer’’ function would simulate the process of the updation of the task status on the server through an AJAX call. You can replace the placeholder according to your real AJAX implementation for updating the task status.