How can I check the integer overflow Java?
I have a piece of code that takes a couple of integers and checks if performing an addition on the inputs would result in an overflow.
I was wondering if this code is SOLID:
public static boolean CanAdd(int me, int... args) {
int total = me;
for (int arg : args) {
if (total >= 0) {
if (java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE - total >= arg) { // since total is positive, (MaxValue - total) will never overflow
total += arg;
} else {
return false;
} else {
if (java.lang.Integer.MIN_VALUE- total <= arg) { // same logic as above
total += arg;
} else {
return false;
return true;
Does anyone have a better (faster) way to achieve the same thing?
Your logic looks solid to me regarding the integer overflow Java. It's subtle, though.
Here is another version using long, but with much simpler logic:
public static boolean canAdd(int... values) {
long longSum = 0;
int intSum = 0;
for (final int value: values) {
intSum += value;
longSum += value;
return intSum == longSum;
That's the most straightforward way I can think to write it. Note that there is no "early out" in this loop, meaning it will always run to the end of the list. However, not having any conditionals, it's likely to be faster in many cases, if that matters.
(6 years later) Here is an updated version inspired by user 'cellepo' that stops as soon as it detects overflow, in order to avoid false positives (possible in the earlier version if the list of values was in the billions):
public static boolean canAdd(int... values) {
long longSum = 0;
int intSum = 0;
for (final int value: values) {
intSum += value;
longSum += value;
if (intSum != longSum)
return false;
return true;