How can I declare a variable global in a Java programming language?

392    Asked by EdythFerrill in Java , Asked on Dec 13, 2023

I am currently designing a Java program where I have multiple classes. I am stuck in a situation where I need to declare a global variable that can maintain its value across these multiple classes. How can I approach this to ensure that declare a global variable in Java?

Answered by Unnati gautam

 In the context of the Java program language, global variables are also called instance variables or class-level variables. It can be declared as global to maintain its values across multiple classes. In your scenario, you can use setter methods like “public” or “protected” for your specific objective.

Here is an example given to declare a global variable in Java:-

Public class GlobalVariableExample {
    // Global variable declared at the class level
    Private int global value;
    // Constructor to initialize the global variable
    Public GlobalVariableExample(int value) {
        This. global value = value;
    // Method to access the global variable
    Public void displayGlobalValue() {
        System. out.println(“Global value is: “ + global value);
    // Another method that modifies the global variable
    Public void modifyGlobalValue(int newValue) {
        This. global value = newValue;
    // Main method to demonstrate the usage of the global variable
    Public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Creating an instance of the class
        GlobalVariableExample example = new GlobalVariableExample(10);
        // Accessing and displaying the initial global value
        // Modifying the global value
        // Displaying the updated global value

In this above example the “global value” is a global value that is declared at the class level within the “GlobalVariableExample” class. It also can be accessed and modified by using different methods within the same class. The processed global value will further maintain its value across all your multiple classes. In this above example, the “main” methods refer to the initialization, modification, and display of the global variables.

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