How can I implement a LinkedList iterator in Java?

673    Asked by AnilJha in Java , Asked on Oct 6, 2022

I am a newbie to Java. I will be glad to hear your opinion with regards to this LinkedList implementation. The Iterators are self implemented by my decision:

public interface Iterator {
    public boolean hasNext();
    public Object Next();

public class LinkedList {

    private Node mBase;

    private class ListIterator implements Iterator {

        private Node iterator;


            iterator = mBase;



        public boolean hasNext(){           

            return (iterator.getNext() != null);            



        public Object Next() {          

            Object userData = iterator.getData();

            iterator = iterator.getNext();          

            return userData;



    static private class Node {

        private Node next;

        private Object data;

        Node(Object data, Node next) {

   = data;

   = next;


        Object getData(){

            return data;


        Node getNext(){

            return next;


        boolean isNext(){

            if (next == null) return (false);

            return (true);



    public void push(Object data){      

        Node newNode = new Node(data, mBase);       

        mBase = newNode;


    public Object pop(){

        Node baseNode = mBase;

        Object userdata = null;

        if (isEmpty())


            return (null);


        mBase = mBase.getNext(); = null;

        userdata = baseNode.getData();      

        baseNode = null;            

        return (userdata);


    public long getSize(){

        Node current = mBase;

        int counter = 0;

        if (isEmpty()){         

            return (0);


        while (current.isNext()){

            current = current.getNext();




        return (counter);


    public ListIterator getItr(){

        return new ListIterator();


    public boolean isEmpty(){

        return (mBase == null);     



public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        LinkedList list = new LinkedList();

        System.out.print("isEmpty. Print true:");







        System.out.print("isEmpty. Print false:");


        System.out.print("getSize(). Should be 5: ");


        Iterator itr = list.getItr();

        System.out.print("itr.hasNext() (should be true)");


        while (itr.hasNext()) {










        System.out.print("getSize(). Should be 0: ");




Answered by Anil Mer

Regarding the implementation of LinkedList iterator -

Not really a Java format.

public Object Next(); ---> next();
Don't use capitals for functions.
if (isEmpty())
    return (null);
brackets should be on the same line with function head;
no need in () after return;
boolean isNext(){
        if (next == null) return (false);
        return (true);
return next != null;
no need in () after return. return has the lowest priority for compiler.
Object userdata = null;
        if (isEmpty())
            return (null);
        mBase = mBase.getNext(); = null;
        userdata = baseNode.getData();
        baseNode = null;
        return (userdata);
Can be refactored:
 Object userdata = null;
    if (!isEmpty())
            mBase = mBase.getNext();
   = null;
            userdata = baseNode.getData();
            baseNode = null;
            return userdata;
5) Do i understand correctly that this function does not what it should? You send back data of the current Node.
        public Object Next() {
            Object userData = iterator.getData();
            iterator = iterator.getNext();
            return userData;
It is a bit strange because the Iterator interface wants from you the following function:
E next() Returns the next element in the iteration.
And you don't give back even not the Node, but its data.
i would expect:
private class ListIterator implements Iterator {
 public Node next() {  

P.S. Look btw at AtomicInteger class. It has functions like: getAndIncrement(), getAndAdd() and so on. I know you cant change the name of a to override function. But for the future it is good to call such functions in a way like this. For your case it "could" be "getAndNext()".Theoretical: Any structure should be measured by big O notation. In other words: processing time and size should be measured.

Practical: Write some time tests comparing your implementation with the original LinkedList. If the difference is too big, look into the implementation of the original LinkedList and Iterator.

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