How can I troubleshoot the issue of “javac not recognized”?

391    Asked by AshishSinha in Java , Asked on Jan 15, 2024

 I am currently working on a java based project and when I was trying to compile my code by using the command line using “javac” I was wondering about a scenario where an error message occurred which was showing “javac not recognized” even though I have installed the Java. How can I solve this problem? 

Answered by Anna Ball

 In the context of Java programming language, if you are getting the issue of “Javac not recognized”, then to solve this particular issue, you would need to check your variable and ensure that it includes the path to the Java compiler or not. The PATH variable is an environment variable that is used in listing directories where executable programs are located. If it is not included you would have to include it. Here is the method given of how you can do it:-


Open your command prompt in Windows and try to run the following command:-

Set PATH=C:Program;%PATH%
UNIX-based system (Linux, macOS)
In the terminal, you can run the following command:-
Export PATH=/path/to/jdk1.x.x/bin:$PATH

After completing the modification of the PATH, restart your command prompt or terminal. It will solve your particular issue of “Javac not recognized”.

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