How can I troubleshoot the issue of “ org.springframework.beans.factory.unsatisfieddependenceexception”?

352    Asked by AshishSinha in Java , Asked on Jan 15, 2024

I am assigned a specific task which is related to developing a spring application and during the process of initialization, I encountered a scenario where an error message occurred which was showing “org.springframework.beans.factory.unsatisfieddependenceexception”. How can I troubleshoot this particular issue? 

Answered by Charles Parr

In the context of Java programming language, if you are getting the error message “org.springframework.beans.factory.unsatisfieddependenceexception” then it could be due to spring not satisfying the dependencies which I required by a bean during the process of initialization. If you want to address this particular issue, then you would need to check the bean dependencies and ensure that they can be properly resolved. Here are the brief steps given:-

Check dependencies

Inspect the affected beans and then their dependencies also. Try to ensure that all required dependencies should be defined in the application or should be available for injection.

Correct annotations

You would need to confirm that proper dependencies injection annotations such as @autowired should be applied correctly to the properties of bean or even constructor parameters. This step would ensure that the spring should inject the appropriate and required dependencies:-

// Example of using @Autowired for constructor injection

Public class MyService {
    Private final MyRepository repository;
    Public MyService(MyRepository repository) {
        This.repository = repository;

Check bean configuration

Then after, you would need to check the beans that are involved in the issue by using either XML configuration or Java-based configuration:

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