How can I troubleshoot the particular issue of “ connection reset”?

362    Asked by Aalapprabhakaran in Java , Asked on Mar 7, 2024

I am developing a java based client-server application. During the process of testing the communication between the client and the server, my client application is receiving an error message of “java.nwt.socketException connection reset”. How can I troubleshoot this particular issue?

Answered by Ben PHILLIPS

 If you are getting the error message “ socketexception connection reset” in your client-server-based Java application, it signifies that the connection between the client and the server has been closed by the remote side. To resolve this particular issue, you can follow several steps:-

Checking networking stability

Verify, that the stability of the network should be good between the client and the server.

Server-side logs

Verify the server-side logs to understand if there are any issues at the end of the server which can lead you to reset of the connection.

Firewall or proxies

Ensure that the firewall or even proxies should not interfere with the communication as they can close the idle connection.

Timeouts and keep alive

Remember to check the possibility of connection time-out. You can adjust the timeout configurations or even implement keep-alive for maintaining the connection.

Here is the basic example given which showcases a Java client attempting to connect to a server:-

Public class Client {
    Public static void main(String[] args) {
        Try {
            Socket socket = new Socket(“server_ip”, 8080); // Replace with the server’s IP and port
            // Perform operations with the socket…
        } catch (IOException e) {

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