How can I use JavaScript set class?

439    Asked by dhanan_7781 in Java , Asked on Dec 12, 2023

During one of my collaborative tasks related to management tools, utilizing javascript set classes and assignments of tasks to team members considering checking for duplication.

Answered by Dhruv tiwari

To implement a JavaScript set class to manage unique user preferences of even task assignments, you can go with the built-in set object in JavaScript as it can allow you to store unique values and efficient performance regarding addition, removal, and checking.

Here is an example of terms of Java coding how you can use a set for managing user preferences:-

// Get the user’s preference (in this case, let’s assume it’s a boolean value)
Const darkModePreference = /* Retrieve the preference from local storage or elsewhere */ true;
// Function to set the class based on the preference
Function setUserPreference() {
  Const body = document.querySelector(‘body’);
  If (darkModePreference) {
    Body.classList.add(‘dark mode);
  } else {
    Body.classList.remove(‘dark mode);
// Call the function to apply the user’s preference
In the context of task management in a team management tool:
// Get the user’s task view preference (list view or kanban view)
Const taskViewPreference = /* Retrieve the preference from local storage or elsewhere */ ‘list’;
// Get the user’s preferred number of tasks per page
Const tasksPerPagePreference = /* Retrieve the preference from local storage or elsewhere */ 10;
// Function to apply the user’s task view preference
Function setTaskViewPreference() {
  // Code to switch between list and kanban view based on taskViewPreference
  // This might involve showing/hiding elements or updating the UI accordingly
  If (taskViewPreference === ‘list’) {
    // Code to display tasks in a list view
    // For example show list container, hide kanban container
  } else {
    // Code to display tasks in a kanban view
    // For example: show kanban container, hide list container
// Function to apply the user’s preferred number of tasks per page
Function setTasksPerPagePreference() {
  // Code to display the preferred number of tasks per page
  // This might involve pagination or adjusting the number of displayed tasks dynamically
  // For example display only the ‘tasksPerPagePreference’ number of tasks
// Call the functions to apply the user’s task preferences

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