How To Auto-Format / Indent XML/HTML in Notepad++

1.2K    Asked by HelenAtkinson in Java , Asked on Apr 16, 2021

Is there a way to re-indent a block of code? I'm looking for something similar to Ctrl+Shift+F in Eclipse (Auto-Format/Indent).

To be clear,

I already know how to format XML outside of Notepad++ (Eclipse works fine, as mentioned) so I don't need a bunch of links to other XML-formatting tools.

I'm specifically working with XML and HTML.

Ideally, there's a keybinding as convenient as the one in Eclipse, so I don't have to break my workflow.

I already know about NppAutoIndent - it won't work, as I'm working with XML, HTML, and CSS

Answered by Helen Atkinson

If you are working on 6.3.2 version, then you can use XML Tools to get rid of notepad++ auto format.

To get it right you should initially install XML Tools via the Plugin Manager. Then use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Shift+B (or menu -> Plugins -> XML Tools -> Pretty Print)

For older versions, you can follow these steps: menu -> TextFX -> HTML Tidy -> Tidy: Reindent XML.

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