How to turn on cheats in minecraft java?

562    Asked by IshaPatil in Java , Asked on Oct 4, 2022

 How can you turn on or off the cheats after you make an offline server? My brother did something in settings but I can't find it.

Answered by Ishida Sugiyama

Regarding your question - how to turn on cheats in Minecraft java

On a multiplayer server:

To turn on cheats:

Type op in the console.


To turn off cheats:

Type /drop


On a singleplayer world:

To turn on cheats:

Using the built-in LAN server:

Pause the game.

Click on Open to LAN.

In the options, change Allow Cheats: false to true (click on it).

Open the server.

Changing your save file:

Close your world.

Using NBTEdit, open your save file (%AppData%/.minecraft/saves//save.dat)

Change the NBT node AllowCommands from 0 to 1.

Save and reopen the world.

To turn off cheats:

Using the built-in LAN server:

Note: This only works on players who connect to this world, not you.

Pause the game.

Click on Open to LAN.

In the options, change Allow Cheats: true to false (click on it, if it already displays Allow Cheats: false, obviously don't click).

Open the server.

Changing your save file:

Close your world.

Using NBTEdit, open your save file (%AppData%/.minecraft/saves//save.dat)

Change the NBT node AllowCommands from 1 to 0.

Save and reopen the world.

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