Is java still relevant?

615    Asked by jackBurgess in Java , Asked on Oct 6, 2022

Will Java have the same importance it had in the past, or will it be less relevant than nowadays?

Answered by Ito Yamaguchi

The answer to your question - Is java still relevant is -

Java is relevant and will continue to be relevant for many years in the Enterprise computing world.

Whether it continues to be relevant in other areas depends a lot on what Oracle does. If they inject some life (and resources) into ME, desktop applications and other areas, and if they press on with the evolution of the Java language, then Java will do well.

But if Oracle cuts back on R&D and/or tries to stomp other players in the Java space, there's a good chance that someone / some company will develop a better (and more open) Java-like language. If Oracle win their lawsuit against Google, I predict that the next generation of the Android platform will have a new language, just like happened with C#. If Google gets the openness right ... then, the game is on!

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