Is there any software related to uml generator java?

611    Asked by KiraMcelvain in Java , Asked on Oct 10, 2022

Is there a program around that can generate (UML) class diagrams from Java source code?

There is a reason I am not using Eclipse, regardless of whether the reason makes sense, therefore I do not want to rely on an Eclipse plugin for generating the diagram.

I'd actually want it for usage on Java 8, however if there even is such a program that works on Java 7, I'd be happily interested to follow the project.

A Netbeans plugin working on Netbeans 8.0 Beta would be okay as well, but I doubt they exist.

Also the program should be freeware.

Answered by Kirsty Deller

Visual Paradigm is a very good tool for diagrams. I've used it during my university a few years back as a uml generator java to draw diagrams and generate code from the diagramsUML, and I've always seen an option to do the reverse but haven't used it personally.

They have a feature that called (Round-trip code engineering Forward and reverse engineering)

The program has a free community version, but to be honest, I can not really remember if I was using the free version or the paid one provided by the university. But they had a 30 days trial.

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