What do exceptions in Java arises in code sequence?

515    Asked by Amitraj in Java , Asked on Dec 22, 2023

 I am currently developing an application by using Java programming language that can interact with the input of the other users. What are the scenarios where exceptions might arise within the coding structure and how can I tackle them to maintain a seamless flow of work process? 

When you are using Java programming language to develop an application that can interact with users, the exception might be raised within a code sequence due to various reasons. The first possible reason could be invalid user input. The second possible condition might be unexpected conditions such as network issues during the input-output functioning. The third possible reason could be arithmetical errors like dividing by zero.

For instance, if your coding structure expects a numeric input by you as a user and you provide a string instead, a “NumberFormatException” might be raised.

You can use “try-catch blocks” for handling such exceptions. Here is the instance given to showcase how you can troubleshoot this scenario:-

Try {
    // Code where an exception might occur
    // Example: converting a string to an integer
    String userInput = “abc”;
    Int number = Integer.parseInt(userInput);
    // Other code that relies on ‘number’
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    // Handling the exception
    // Informing the user or providing a default value
    System.out.println(“Invalid input. Please enter a valid number.”);
    // Assigning a default value to ‘number’ or other recovery actions
    Int defaultNumber = 0;
    // Other recovery actions or error handling

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