What is an uncraftable potion?

842    Asked by prachiPandey in Java , Asked on Oct 11, 2022

I'm trying to make a Holy Hand Grenade type of splash potion which has instant harming 4. I have

give @s minecraft:splash_potion{CustomPotionEffects:{id:7,Amplifier:3,ShowParticles:0},Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:multishot",lvl:1}],display:{Name:"{"text":"Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch","colour":"gold"}"}} 2

and I followed the wiki in adding the tags, but for some reason it doesn't even have any harm, it only has an uncraftable potion.

A) What am I doing wrong to not get the harming effect at all?

B) Is it possible to get harming 4? If it is, how can I?

Answered by pallavi patil

Regarding the uncraftable potion -

The CustomPotionEffects is a list, so everything in it has to be put into square brackets ([]).

And for some reason custom potion effects, as the only place in the game, require "Id" with a capital "I/i". Note that the non-capital "id" is indeed correct for the enchantments.

Putting these two corrections together, the correct command should be:

  give @s minecraft:splash_potion{CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:7,Amplifier:3,ShowParticles:0}],Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:multishot",lvl:1}],display:{Name:"{"text":"Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch","colour":"gold"}"}} 2

Source: I always start at "chunk format" as the central hub for everything, because I'm lazy, which directs me to "Player.dat#Item structure", specifically to Potion effects (archive).

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