What is Java Runtime Environment (JRE)? Discuss its significance and importance in Java programming.

314    Asked by Unnatigautam in Java , Asked on Nov 2, 2023

Explore Java Runtime Environment as a key component of the Java application. Also explain its purposes, relationship with Java Development Kit (JDK), and how it is different from Java Virtual Machine (JVM)?

Answered by Chloe Burgess

The Java runtime environment (JRE) is a significant component of Java, especially for running it. It acts as a linkage between OS (operating system) and Java applications. While it is one of the components of Java, it has many subcomponents like Java Virtual Machine (JVM), libraries, and others. These components mixed up thus why we called it Java Development Kit(JDK). These subcomponents help Java to run smoothly on various platforms without needing recompilation.

The JRE mainly focuses on enabling Java programs to run by providing the JVM. The JVM is another key part of JRE that helps in executing Java bytecodes. Therefore, the main difference between JVM and JRE is that JRE is a package while JVM is a component along with others of JRE.

Therefore, the JRE plays an important role in Java’s “write once, run anywhere” principle. It makes JRE more portable so that it can comfortably work in any situation and on any platform. If you want to more about JRE you can join java learning online.

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