What is the difference between Instance and object in the context of Java?

405    Asked by Unnatigautam in Java , Asked on Jan 4, 2024

 In the context of software development, explain to me the differences between an instance and an object. How can I choose between two while designing a system that can manage different types of vehicles? 

Answered by Chris Dyer

 In the context of Java programming language, here are the differences between instances and Object:-


It is a concrete entity in memory which are based on a class definition. It is also tangible.

It is mainly the blueprint that is used in defining the structure and also the behavior of similar entities.


 It is a particular realization that is created during the run time. It also refers to the occurrence of an object during the runtime.

If you using the Instance for creating a blueprint, it means you are instantiating the class.

Here is the example given which showcases the difference between the two:-

// Vehicle class definition
Class Vehicle {
  Constructor(make, model) {
    This.make = make;
    This.model = model;
  startEngine() {
    return `${this.make} ${this.model}’s engine started.`;
// Creating instances of the Vehicle class
Const car = new Vehicle(‘Toyota’, ‘Corolla’);
Const motorcycle = new Vehicle(‘Honda’, ‘CBR600RR’);
Console.log(car.startEngine()); // Output: “Toyota Corolla’s engine started.”
Console.log(motorcycle.startEngine()); // Output: “Honda CBR600RR’s engine started.”

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