What is the difference between Instance and object in the context of Java?
In the context of software development, explain to me the differences between an instance and an object. How can I choose between two while designing a system that can manage different types of vehicles?
In the context of Java programming language, here are the differences between instances and Object:-
It is a concrete entity in memory which are based on a class definition. It is also tangible.
It is mainly the blueprint that is used in defining the structure and also the behavior of similar entities.
It is a particular realization that is created during the run time. It also refers to the occurrence of an object during the runtime.
If you using the Instance for creating a blueprint, it means you are instantiating the class.
Here is the example given which showcases the difference between the two:-
// Vehicle class definition
Class Vehicle {
Constructor(make, model) {
This.make = make;
This.model = model;
startEngine() {
return `${this.make} ${this.model}’s engine started.`;
// Creating instances of the Vehicle class
Const car = new Vehicle(‘Toyota’, ‘Corolla’);
Const motorcycle = new Vehicle(‘Honda’, ‘CBR600RR’);
Console.log(car.startEngine()); // Output: “Toyota Corolla’s engine started.”
Console.log(motorcycle.startEngine()); // Output: “Honda CBR600RR’s engine started.”