What is the difference between string literal and string object in the context of Java?

445    Asked by ChloeBurgess in Java , Asked on Jan 4, 2024

I was tasked with the development of a web-based application and I need to optimize the memory usage for the handling of strings. Explain to me the differences between utilizing string literals and string objects in JavaScript. How can I choose between them considering managing large volumes of text-based data? 

Answered by Unnati gautam

 In the context of Java programming language, here are the differences given between string literal vs string object:-

String literals

 It is mainly the sequence of characters that are enclosed in the single (“) or double (“”) quotes.

The string literals are mainly immutable which means you cannot change the value of it once created.

It mainly consumes less memory.

String objects

 The strings also can be created by using the “string” constructor.

Where the string literals are immutable, on the other hand, the string object is known for its mutable property which allows user to manipulate their strings even after creating.

It mainly consumes more memory than string literals.

Therefore, choosing between string literal and string object depends upon your requirements, however in most cases using the string literals is better as it is more effective and includes simplicity. Here is the coding example given:-

// String literal example
Let text = ‘Hello’;
Console.log(typeof text); // Output: string
// String object example
Let strObject = new String(‘This is a string object’);
Console.log(typeof strObject); // Output: object
// Manipulating string using object methods
strObject = strObject.toUpperCase(); // Converting to uppercase using object method
console.log(strObject); // Output: THIS IS A STRING OBJECT

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