What is the garbage collection in Java programming language?

137    Asked by DanielBAKER in Java , Asked on Dec 27, 2023

I am currently assigned as a developer and now I am dealing with a Java application that includes large amounts of data. How can I optimize memory management by using garbage collection to ensure efficient utilization of the resources so that I can prevent memory leaks? 

 In the context of Java programming language, garbage collection refers to the automatic process of reclaiming memory that is occupied by objects. It is a tool that is managed by Java Virtual Machine ( JVM). Here are the points given on how you can optimize memory management:-

Use Proper data structures

Do not forget to employ data structures to minimize the use of memory so that you can improve garbage collection performance.

Avoid Object Retention

Ensure also that objects are dereferenced when they are not needed. It will allow you to collect garbage to reclaim their memory.

Tune garbage collection

You should adjust JVM flags such as XMX, XMS, etc to optimize the collection process of garbage in Java.

Implement Finalized sparingly

Finalizers can delay object reclamation. Therefore, you should use them judiciously.

Profiling and Monitoring

You can utilize tools such as VisualVM, JVisualVM, or Your Kit for analyzing the memory.

Here is the simple Java code snippet provided to showcase how you can manage to assist with garbage collection:-

Public class GarbageCollectionExample {
    Public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Creating objects
        For (int I = 0; I < 10000 xss=removed xss=removed>

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