What is the purpose of a substring of Java programming? Discuss its function by using one example.

286    Asked by Unnatigautam in Java , Asked on Nov 3, 2023

Provide the details of the Java substring method. What is its role in extracting parts of the strings? Dive into the various scenarios for string manipulation.

Answered by Dhananjay Singh

Java substring is a method in Java programs, which is used for extracting the portions of string based on the provided indices. It includes passing the starting index as the first argument while the ending index is considered as the second argument. For example:-

String Str = “Hello World”; String sub= str. Substring (6,11); If you type the above function it would result in a ‘sub’ containing “world”. Consider if only the starting index is given here, then it will extract the substring from that index to the end of the string. Therefore, this method is key or crucial in manipulating strings by extracting specific components.

It is used in various and wide range of scenarios. Some examples of it are parsing data, manipulating user inputs, and extracting relevant information from the strings. Therefore understanding the substring method is crucial in string processing and manipulation of data especially in Java programming. You can gain more knowledge of it by joining the “Java learning online” program of various online platforms.

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