What is the significance of battleships Java?

586    Asked by LachlanCAMPBELL in Java , Asked on Oct 11, 2022

I have been given a problem statement to create a Battleship game in java.

My working code (Spring Boot+Web) is placed here along with the problem statement. https://github.com/ankidaemon/BattleShip

This question is majorly focused on design, please help me figure out how I can make it decoupled and apply suitable design patterns.

StartGame.java - getting called from controller

public class StartGame {
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StartGame.class);
    public String init(File inputFile) throws FileNotFoundException, InputException {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        ArrayList p1s = new ArrayList();
        ArrayList p2s = new ArrayList();
        int areaWidth = 0;
        int areahight = 0;
        ArrayList player1 missiles = null;
        ArrayList player missiles = null;
            Scanner sc = new Scanner(inputFile);
            areaWidth = sc.nextInt();
            if(areaWidth>9 || areaWidth<1>                raiseException("Supplied area width is invalid.",sc);
            area hight = sc.next().toUpperCase().charAt(0) - 64;
            if(areahight>25 || areahight<0>                raiseException("Supplied area height is invalid.",sc);
            int noOfships = sc.nextInt();
            if(noOfships>are high*areaWidth || noOfships<1>                raiseException("Supplied no of ships is invalid.",sc);
            for (int j = 0; j < noOfships>                char typeOfShip = sci.next().toUpperCase().charAt(0);
                if(typeOfShip!='P' && typeOfShip!='Q'){
                    raiseException("Supplied type of ship is invalid.",sc);
                int shipWidth = sc.nextInt();
                if(shipWidth>areaWidth || shipWidth<0>                    raiseException("Supplied ship width is invalid.",sc);
                int shiphight = sc.nextInt();
                if(shiphight>areahight || shiphight<0>                    raiseException("Supplied ship height is invalid.",sc);
                BattleShips ship;
                for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
                    char[] locCharArr = sc.next().toUpperCase().toCharArray();
                    int[] loc = new int[2];
                    loc[0] = locCharArr[0] - 65;
                    loc[1] = locCharArr[1] - 49;
                    if(loc[0]>areahight || loc[0]<0>area Width || loc[1]<0>                        raiseException("Supplied ship location is invalid.",sc);
                    ship = new BattleShips(shipWidth, shiphight, typeOfShip, loc);
                    if (i % 2 == 0)
            player1 missiles = returnMissileCoordinates(sc.nextLine());
            player2 missiles = returnMissileCoordinates(sc.nextLine());
        }catch(InputMismatchException e){
            throw new InputException("Invalid Input supplied.",ErrorCode.INVALIDINPUT);
        BattleArea player1 = new BattleArea("player1", areaWidth, arealight, p1s);
        BattleArea player2 = new BattleArea("player2", areaWidth, arealight, p2s);
        while (!player1.isLost() && !player2.isLost()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < player1missiles>                Coordinate c = player1 missiles.get(i);
                while (player1.fireMissile(c, player2)) {
                    player1 missiles.remove(i);
                    if (i < player1missiles>                        c = player1 missiles.get(i);
                    } else
                if (player1 missiles.size() > 0) {
                    player1 missiles.remove(i);
            for (int j = 0; j < player2>                Coordinate c = player2 missiles.get(j);
                while (player2.fireMissile(c, player1)) {
                    player2 missiles.remove(j);
                    if (j < player2>                        c = player2 missiles.get(j);
                    } else
                if (player2 missiles.size() > 0) {
                    player2 missiles.remove(j);
        if (player1.isLost()) {
            logger.info("Player 2 has Won the Game");
            return "Player 2 has Won the Game";
        } else {
            logger.info("Player 1 has Won the Game");
            return "Player 1 has Won the Game";
    private static ArrayList returnMissileCoordinates(String nextLine) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        ArrayList tmp = new ArrayList();
        String[] arr = nextLine.split("\ ");
        Coordinate tmpC;
        for (String s : arr) {
            char[] charArr = s.toCharArray();
            tmpC = new Coordinate(charArr[1] - 49, charArr[0] - 65);
        return tmp;
    private void raiseException(String message, Scanner sc) throws InputException {
        throw new InputException(message, ErrorCode.INVALIDINPUT);
public class BattleArea {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BattleArea.class);
private String belongsTo;
private int width,height;
private ArrayList battleShips;
private Set occupied=new TreeSet();
private int[][] board=null;
private boolean lost=false;
public BattleArea(String belongsTo, int width, int height, ArrayList battleShips) {
    this.belongsTo = belongsTo;
    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;
    this.battleShips = battleShips;
    this.board=new int[this.width][this.height];
public void placeShips(){
    for(BattleShips ship:this.battleShips){
        int x=ship.getLocation()[1];
        int y=ship.getLocation()[0];
        if(ship.getWidth()+x>this.width || ship.getHeight()+y>this.height){
            logger.error("Coordinate x-"+x+" y-"+y+" for "+this.belongsTo+" is not available.");
            throw new ProhibitedException("Ship cannot be placed in this location.",ErrorCode.OUTOFBATTLEAREA);
            Coordinate c=new Coordinate(x, y);
                logger.error("Coordinate x-"+c.getX()+" y-"+c.getY()+" for "+this.belongsTo+" is already occupied.");
                throw new ProhibitedException("Ship cannot be placed in this location.",ErrorCode.ALREADYOCCUPIED);
                Coordinate tempC;
                for(int i=x;i                    for(int j=y;j                        logger.debug("Placing at x-"+i+" y-"+j+" for "+this.belongsTo);
                        tempC=new Coordinate(i, j);
                        }else if(ship.getTypeOfShip()=='Q'){
public boolean fireMissile(Coordinate c, BattleArea enemyBattleArea){
    int x=c.getX();
    int y=c.getY();
    logger.info("Firing at "+enemyBattleArea.belongsTo+" x-"+x+" y-"+y+" :");
            logger.debug("Already blasted!");
            return false;
        else if(enemyBattleArea.board[x][y]==1){
            Coordinate temp=new Coordinate(x,y);
            logger.debug("Successfully blasted!!");
            return true;
            logger.debug("Half life left!!");
            return true;
        return false;
public boolean isLost() {
    return lost;
public void setLost(boolean lost) {
    this.lost = lost;
public class BattleShips {
private int width,height;
private char typeOfShip;
private int[] location;
public BattleShips(int width, int height, char typeOfShip, int[] loc) {
    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;
    this.typeOfShip = typeOfShip;
    this.location = loc;
public int getWidth() {
return width;
public int getHeight() {
    return height;
public char getTypeOfShip() {
    return typeOfShip;
public int[] getLocation() {
    return location;
public class Coordinate implements Comparable {
private int x,y;
public Coordinate(int x, int y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
public String toString() {
    return "Coordinate [x=" + x + ", y=" + y + "]";
public int compareTo(Coordinate o) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    if(this.x==o.x && this.y==o.y)
        return 0;
    else if(this.x        return -1;
        return 1;
public int getX() {
    return x;
public int getY() {
    return y;

Sample Input

5 E


Q 1 1 A1 B2

P 2 1 D4 C3

A1 B2 B2 B3

A1 B2 B3 A1 D1 E1 D4 D4 D5 D5


1. Player1 will fire first. Each player will get another chance till ( hit == successful ).

2. Battleships will be placed horizontally.

3. Type-Q ship requires 2 missiles to be destroyed.

4. Type-P ships require 1 missile hit to get destroyed.


First line of the input contains dimensions of battle area having width and height separated by space.

Second line will have the number (B) of battleships each player has.

Then in the next line battleship type, dimensions (width and height) & positions (Y coordinate and X coordinate) for Player-1 and then for Player-2 will be given separated by space.

And then in the next line Player-1’s sequence (separated by space) of missiles target location coordinates (Y and X) will be given and then for sequence for Player-2.


1 <= Width of Battle area (M) <= 9

A <= Height of Battle area (N) <= Z

1 <= Number of battleships <= M * N

Type of ship = {‘P’, ‘Q’}

1 <= Width of battleship <= M

A <= Height of battleship <= N

1 <= X coordinate of ship <= M

A <= Y coordinate of ship <= N

Answered by Krithika Bhatt

Class name for your StartGame is not helpful, rename it into a more matching name, i think like BattleShips Java Game and start the game instead from your controller

BattleShipGame game = new BattleShipGame();


The init - method is far too big and it does no init but does even more things... so let's break that down a bit:

init should return a boolean (or a Result) that indicates that init was successful.

init looks like it's a delegate method which means there should be very little logic inside - instead it is useful to put most work into methods

just init things and don't do any other things

use Player objects...

move the game logic out of the method

it could look like this then

private Player playerOne;
private Player playerTwo;
public boolean init(){
    playerOne = new Player("player1");
    playerTwo = new Player("player2");
    GameSetup setup = readFile(inputFile);
    ArrayList p1bs = setup.getFirstBattleShips();
    ArrayList p2bs = setup.getSecondBattleShips();
    playerOne.setBoard(new BattleShipBoard(setup.getDimension());
    playerTwo.setBoard(new BattleShipBoard(setup.getDimension());
    return true;
NOTE: the init method could be shortened far more, but i think i point out in a good way what init should really do...
As mentioned above, you have moved the game logic out of your init method and put it in the playGame() method.
public Result playGame(){
    Result result = new Result();
    Scores score = new Score();
    while (!player1.isLost() && !player2.isLost()) {
        for (int i = 0; i < player1missiles xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed>();
        for(BattleShips ship:this.battleShips){
            Bound shipBounds = ship.getBounds();
                throw new ProhibitedException(
                    "Ship cannot be placed in this location.",ErrorCode.OUTOFBATTLEAREA);
            for (BattleShip placedShip: placedShips){
                if (bounds.intersects(placedShip.getBounds()){
                    throw new ProhibitedException(
                       "Ship cannot be placed in this location.",ErrorCode.ALREADYOCCUPIED);
    public boolean fireMissile(Coordinate c, BattleArea enemyBattleArea){
        BattleShip shipAt = enemyBattleArea.getShipAt(c);
        if(shipAt == null){
            return false;
            handleDamage(shipAt, enemyBattleArea);
            return true;
    private void handleDamage(BattleShip opponent, BattleArea area){
        int lifePointsLeft = opponent.getLifePoints() - 1; //hardcoded damage (that's bad)
        if(lifPoints > 0){
            //Log damage done
            //log destroyed

all code above has not been compiled so there may be some spelling errors and a lot of methods are not even implemented yet (like Rectangle.contains() or others).


but let's look at what we have now:

you can change the ship type quite easily without modifying any code !!! (you simply have to add another ship type in ShipType )

you have reduced the complexity of your code very far, you don't have dangerous calculations.

you have seperated concerns, the objects now do what they are supposed to do

you could easily change your code for another player (three-player game)

you could test your code now

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