What is the significance of Java string.Format() in Java?

352    Asked by DylanPowell in Java , Asked on Nov 14, 2023

I have enrolled in a Java online program and I have read about the string formation in it. As I progress through the lesson I am finding challenges to learn the concepts, especially with the string.format (). Provide me with the unique concept of it in easy language. 

Answered by Unnati gautam

If you join Java learning online program then you will be taught Java string format topic. The main purpose of java string.format() is to format string by specifying placeholders within a string template. This method is famous for using format specifiers to add and organize variables. For instance:- string formatted =


  (“Hello, %s! You are %d years old.”, name, age);

Substitutes %s and %d with the name string and age integers respectively.

This method is used for accepting various and wide range of parameters. You can look at one instance of it by the following example:-

String name = “ Alice”;
Int age = 30;

String formatted = string.format (“Hello, %s! You are %d years old.”, name, age):

If you use this particular string then it aids in the construction of dynamic string with specific structures. It is versatile for various other output requirements in the field like Java.

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