What should I do when coinhive.min.js doesn't work?

559    Asked by AishwaryaJhadav in Java , Asked on Oct 10, 2022

I recently made a localhost website to easily mine Monero using my home computers. With CoinHive and the JavaScript miner (without the opt-in screen), I don't see my processor usage go up at all, although, if I use the authedmine miner, the usage increases to 100%.

this is the code that I use to start the opt-in miner...

    var miner = new CoinHive.Anonymous('PUBlIC KEY ENTERED HERE...', {
        throttle: 0,
When the code above is used, the website asks for mining permission and when pressed allow, it starts mining and the processor usage goes to 100%
    var miner = new CoinHive.Anonymous('PUBLIC KEY ENTERED HERE...', {
        throttle: 0,

But when this code is entered, the only thing I changed is the link to the miner javascript location, the processor doesn't go to 100% utilisation and my CoinHive dashboard doesn't show a hash rate.

Am I doing something wrong here?

Answered by Alastair McDade

Regarding the coin hive.min.js, your browser might be blocking it, unfortunately some people abused this miner that is a great alternative to ads in my opinion however didn't inform users to this occurring leading to some browsers blocking the miner.

Source: https://www.wired.com/story/cryptojacking-cryptocurrency-mining-browser/

Archived link: https://web.archive.org/web/20171229133832/https://www.wired.com/story/cryptojacking-cryptocurrency-mining-browser/

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