How can I rename the resource group in the context of Azure?

562    Asked by HelenAtkinson in azure , Asked on Dec 28, 2023

I am currently working with Azure in which I need to update the name of an existing group in Azure. What should be the appropriate approach for me to change or even update the name of the resource group considering minimal disruption of associated resources and services? 

In the context of Azure, you can rename resource group Azure by following several steps which are given below by using the command line interface (CLI) command:-

Create a new resource group with the desired name

At the very first, you will need to create a new resource group with your desired name.

Move Resources From The Old Resource Group To The New One

In the second step, you would move the resources from the old resource that you want to rename and then paste them into the new resource group.

Confirm that the resources are in the new resource group are working or not as you expected

You can delete the old resource group, however, it is an optional step as you can retain it. If you want to delete it, make sure everything is working as expected in the new group.

Here are the combined steps given in the form of a coding analogy:-

# Define variables

# Create a new resource group with the desired name

Az group create –name $newRG –location $location

# Move resources from the old resource group to the new one

Az resource list -g $oldRG –query “[].id” –output tsv | xargs -L1 az resource move –destination-group $newRG

# Optionally confirm resources are in the new resource group and are working as expected

# Delete the old resource group (optional, once confirmed everything is working as expected)

  Az group delete –name $oldRG –yes –no-wait

Do not forget to replace the “OldResourveGroupName” and “NewResourceGroupName” with the actual name of the resource group whether it is old or new.

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