Is there a list of Salesforce images that can be used in custom pages and formula fields?

876    Asked by CaroleThom in Power BI , Asked on Jul 13, 2021

 I have a Visualforce page that includes some Ajax functionality as follows:


Alternatively, I could have just linked directly to the Salesforce image in the facet as follows:


I did not do that because I could not find a list of Salesforce published standard images and, therefore, was not confident that the /img/loading.gif would always be present. I did see that there are some references in the IMAGE formula examples to images located in /img/samples/. Is there a list of Salesforce images that can be referenced safely in custom pages and/or formula fields?

Answered by Carl Paige

I would put salesforce images that are used to render stuff in the same broad bucket as screen scraping. Although this may work okay, there isn't a way to guarantee against breakage some day. (I've used the sfcti js resource for CTI and the locations have changed twice in the last 12 months, there isn't a way to tell when they changed except for when users discovered CTI won't work anymore, therefore this approach surely has its perils) Having said all this, a quick google search threw up this page which seems to catalogue quite a few images / icons.

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