Replace single quotes

1.7K    Asked by BenjaminMoore in Power BI , Asked on Apr 24, 2021

 I need to replace single quotes. However, I cannot use the " double quote character. Therefore, I cannot do something like this:

String s = "Hello 'thanks' bye"; s = s.replaceAll("'", "\'"); System.out.println(s); // Hello 'thanks' bye

I need to replace the single quotes in str by ', that is, when I print str I should get output as Welcome 'thanks' How are you. Without using double quotes, how do I achieve this with Apex?

Answered by Daniel Cameron

To replace quotes there is a built-in method String.escapeSingleQuotes() that handles this need nicely. From the documentation, an example:

String s = ''Hello Jason''; system.debug(s); // Outputs 'Hello Jason' String escapedStr = String.escapeSingleQuotes(s); // Outputs 'Hello Jason' system.debug(escapedStr); // Escapes the string \' to string ' system.assertEquals('\'Hello Jason\'', escapedStr);
Bear in mind that when writing literal strings in Apex you can include single quotes by escaping them with a backslash , and to include a literal backslash you must escape it too. That's why the last line has '\'Hello Jason\''.

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Answer (1)

If you're encountering issues with single quotes in R, it often pertains to text processing, string manipulation, or data handling. Here are various methods to handle and replace single quotes in strings or data frames in 

Replacing Single Quotes in a String

To replace single quotes in a string, you can use functions like gsub or charter.

Using gsub

The gsub function is versatile and allows you to replace all instances of a pattern in a string. Here's how you can replace single quotes with another character (e.g., a double quote):

# Original string
text <- "It's a beautiful day"
# Replace single quotes with double quotes
text <- gsub("'", '"', text)

Using chartr

If you only need to replace single characters, chartr is a simpler and faster option:

# Original string
text <- "It's a beautiful day"
# Replace single quotes with double quotes
text <- chartr("'", '"', text)

Replacing Single Quotes in a Data Frame

If you need to replace single quotes in all string columns of a data frame, you can use lapply combined with gsub or chartr.

Example Data Frame

# Replace single quotes in all string columns
df[] <- lapply(df, function(x) {
  if (is.character(x)) {
    gsub("'", '"', x)
  } else {

Replacing Single Quotes in Specific Columns

If you need to replace single quotes only in specific columns, specify those columns directly:

# Replace single quotes in the 'text' column
df$text <- gsub("'", '"', df$text)

Using the stringr Package

The stringr package provides a consistent and convenient interface for string manipulation. You can use str_replace_all from the stringr package:

# Load the stringr package
library(stringr)# Replace single quotes in the 'text' column
df$text <- str_replace_all(df$text, "'", '"')


Replacing single quotes in R can be done efficiently using base R functions like gsub and chartr, or with the stringr package for more complex string manipulation. Choose the method that best fits your specific needs and context. Here’s a recap of the most straightforward approach using gsub:

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