Scheduled Class within a Batch Class

899    Asked by AashnaSaito in Power BI , Asked on Jul 6, 2021

I am trying to schedule a callout from a scheduled class. In order to get around the limitation of sending callouts from scheduled classes, I tried to include the scheduled class within my batch class, and when I ran the batch class from execute anonymous it didn't schedule the batch class. Since I'm returning elements in the methods from my main class, I couldn't use the @future(callout=true) notation. Is there any other workaround to be able to schedule callouts from a batch class? Thank you in advance.

Main Class

public class CustomerBuilder implements Database.AllowsCallouts { Public static map COD2Update = new map (); // index of records by job id public static Set getListOutBoundRecords(DateTime endDate, Integer custid ){ Customer__c con = new Customer__c(); accountmanagementreportingwebservice2.AccountManagementReportingWebserviceSoap s= new accountmanagementreportingwebservice2.AccountManagementReportingWebserviceSoap(); accountmanagementreportingwebservice2.ListOutboundActivityRequest req = new accountmanagementreportingwebservice2.ListOutboundActivityRequest(); accountmanagementreportingwebservice2.ListOutboundActivityResponse res = new accountmanagementreportingwebservice2.ListOutboundActivityResponse(); accountmanagementreportingwebservice2.Authentication a =new accountmanagementreportingwebservice2.Authentication(); //Authorization a.Username = '---------'; a.Password = '-------'; req.Authentication = a; req.ExcludeSubLevelEntries = Boolean.valueOf('true'); req.CustomerId = custid; String jsonResponse = (JSON.serializePretty(res)); JSON2APex result = JSON2APex.parse(jsonResponse); set jobIds = new set(); //****************** Parse the first callout response and build records for(JSON2APex.Om om:{ Customer__c co = new Customer__c(); co.Department_Name__c = om.DepartmentName; co.Delivered_Pages__c = om.DeliveredPages; //index of Customer Records COD2Update.put(co.JOB_ID__c, co); } return COD2Update.keyset(); }// end method public Customer__c getOutBoundRecords(string Jobid){ Customer__c conc = new Customer__c(); accountmanagementreportingwebservice2.GetOutboundDetailRequest req = new accountmanagementreportingwebservice2.GetOutboundDetailRequest(); accountmanagementreportingwebservice2.GetOutboundDetailResponse res = new accountmanagementreportingwebservice2.GetOutboundDetailResponse(); accountmanagementreportingwebservice2.Authentication a = new accountmanagementreportingwebservice2.Authentication(); a.Username = '-------'; a.Password = '------'; req.Authentication = a; req.JobId = Jobid; res = s.GetOutboundDetail(req); String jsonResponse = (JSON.serializePretty(res)); //Retrieve the JSON response from the second callout and map the Customer fields with SF fields String jsonResponse2 = (JSON.serializePretty(res)); JSON2ApexOFD results = JSON2ApexOFD.parse(jsonResponse2); for(JSON2ApexOFD.OutboundFaxDetail om2: results.OutboundFaxMessage.OutboundFaxDetail){ conc.Name = om2.SenderDeptName; conc.Delivered_Pages__c = om2.DeliveredPages; } if (conc != null){ return conc; } else{ return null; } } }// end class
*********************Batchable Class
global class CustomerBatchable3 implements Schedulable, Database.AllowsCallouts, Database.Batchable { Datetime endDate =; Integer custid; map rec2insert = new map (); global Iterable start(Database.BatchableContext BC){ return new IterableExample(); } global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List scope){ //Second Callout for(String s :scope){ Customer__c cod = new Customer__c(); //stores fax details Customer__c cod2 = new Customer__c(); // to be updated cod = CustomerBuilder.getOutBoundRecords(s); System.debug('Call Out response'); System.debug(cod); cod2 = cod; if(cod2 != null){ cod2.Department_Name__c = Department_Name__c cod2.Delivered_Pages__c = cod.Delivered_Pages__c; rec2insert.put(s,cod2); } } } if(rec2insert.size() >0){ insert rec2insert.values(); }Else{ system.debug('No Values for insert found'); } } global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){ } global void execute(SchedulableContext sc) { Database.executeBatch(new CustomerBatchable3(), 50); } }
****************Custom Iterable
*****Iterable example class
global class IterableExample implements iterable{ global Iterator Iterator(){ return new CustomIterable(); } }
global class CustomIterable implements Iterator { List listcon{get;set;} Integer i {get;set;} public Iterator iterator() { return this; } public CustomIterable(){ Datetime endDate =; Integer custId; String str = String.join(new List(CustomerBuilder.getListOutBoundRecords(endDate,custId)), ', '); System.debug(JSON.serialize(str)); listcon = str.split(','); i = 0; } global boolean hasNext(){ if(i>= listcon.size()){ return false; } else { return true; } } global String next(){ if (i == 100){ return null; } i++; return listcon[i-1]; } }

Answered by Uditi singh

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