Briefly explain Angular Command Line Interface.
Angular CLI, a command-line interface which is used to build the angular application by using the style of node js modules, which can be installed by using the below command of npm:
Below are the few commands which can be used while creating the angular projects:
To create new project - ng new
To generate Directives, Components and Services – ng generate/g
There are several types of generate commands which is used in application such as,
To add class– “ng generate class my-new-class”
To add component– “ng generate component my-new-component”
To add directive– “ng generate directive my-new-directive”
To add enumeration– “ng generate enum my-new-enum”
To add module– “ng generate module my-new-module”
To add pipe– “ng generate pipe my-new-pipe”
To add service– “ng generate service my-new-service”
To run the project - ng serve