Can I utilize the “not equal Python” operator for managing a shopping cart?

416    Asked by BernadetteBond in Python , Asked on Dec 29, 2023

I am currently designing a program that can manage a shopping cart. Explain a situation for me where I need to use an operator whose name is “not equal operator (!=) In the Python programming language for filtering out the specific items from the cart based on their categories. Provide and example scenario for me. 

In your provided scenario you can use the operator “Not equal Python” to filter out specific items from a shopping cart based on their categories such as attributes and characteristics.

For instance, consider a scenario where you need to delete all items that are not on the sale from the cart. You can achieve this particular objective by iterating through the cart items and filtering out those that are not marked with the attribute of “sale”.

Here is the example given to showcase:-

# Sample shopping cart with items and their attributes

Shopping_cart = [
    {“item”: “Shirt”, “price”: 25, “on_sale”: False},
    {“item”: “Jeans”, “price”: 40, “on_sale”: True},
    {“item”: “Socks”, “price”: 5, “on_sale”: True},
    {“item”: “Hat”, “price”: 15, “on_sale”: False}
# Filtering items not on sale from the cart
Cart_without_non_sale_items = [item for item in shopping_cart if not item[“on_sale”]]
# Displaying the updated cart
Print(“Cart items not on sale:”)

Thus above code would help you in figuring out items that are not on sale by using the technique of the “not equal” operator for identifying the items where the “on_sale” attribute is false, creating a new cart ('cart_without_non_sale_items’)

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