Error saying "Error in file(out, "wt") : cannot open the connection" when execute help command in r

1.9K    Asked by AryanKhan in Python , Asked on Jul 5, 2021

 I'm a beginner in R and I’m trying to install a package. I get the following error when I execute the help command as shown below: 

Error in file(out, "wt") : cannot open the connection

Answered by Ayushi gupta

Change working dir, exit r, and reopen it.

This will resolve the error in the file(out, "wt"): cannot open the connection.

Your Answer

Answer (1)

The error message "Error in file(out, "wt") : cannot open the connection" in R typically occurs when there is an issue with writing to a temporary file or directory. This often happens when you run the help() command in R. Here are some potential causes and solutions to address this error:

Possible Causes and Solutions

Permissions Issue:

The most common cause is a permissions issue where R does not have write access to the temporary directory it is trying to use.


Check the permissions of your temporary directory and ensure R has write access. You can check the default temporary directory in R using tempdir().


If necessary, change the temporary directory to a location where you have write access:

tempdir <- "path/to/your/tempdir"
Sys.setenv(TMPDIR = tempdir)

Disk Space:

Ensure that there is sufficient disk space in the directory where R is trying to write temporary files.


Free up some space on your disk or choose a different temporary directory with sufficient space.

Anti-virus or Security Software:

Sometimes, anti-virus or other security software may block R from writing files to certain directories.


Temporarily disable the anti-virus software and see if the issue persists. If this resolves the problem, consider adding an exception for R or the directory it uses for temporary files.

Temporary Directory Environment Variable:

Ensure that the environment variable for the temporary directory is correctly set.


You can manually set the temporary directory in R before running your commands:

  Sys.setenv(TMPDIR = "path/to/your/tempdir")

Check for Other R Sessions:

Multiple R sessions running simultaneously might cause conflicts with temporary files.


Close other R sessions and retry.

Operating System Specific Issues:

There could be OS-specific issues related to the temporary directory handling.


On Windows, you can set the temporary directory to a user-specific location:

  Sys.setenv(TMPDIR = normalizePath("C:/Users/YourUsername/AppData/Local/Temp"))

On Unix-based systems, set it to a directory within your home directory:

  Sys.setenv(TMPDIR = normalizePath("~/my_temp"))

Example Fix

Here's a step-by-step example to set a new temporary directory and ensure it has the correct permissions:

Create a New Temporary Directory:

mkdir ~/R_temp
chmod 777 ~/R_temp # Set permissions to ensure write access

Set the Temporary Directory in 

Sys.setenv(TMPDIR = normalizePath("~/R_temp"))
Check the Temporary Directory:tempdir()

This should now return the path to the newly created temporary directory.

Run Your Command Again:

  help(mean)  # or any other help command

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the "cannot open the connection" error when running the help() command or any other command that writes to the temporary directory in R.

5 Months


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