How can I load a CSV file “data.csv” by using the NumPy load CSV?

552    Asked by bhagwatidubey in Python , Asked on Dec 15, 2023

 I am assigned as a data analyst and during one of my projects I was stuck in a scenario related to dealing with the “numpy” library’s “load text” function. How can I load a CSV file named “ data.csv” which contains the numerical data into an array? Additionally, how can I handle the situation where the CSV file is missing or even incomplete data? 

Answered by Unnati gautam

 In the context of Python the NumPy load CSV library, the function NumPy.loadtxt() is mainly used in loading the data from a text file into an array. This particular process also includes CSV files. It allows you to manage numerical data, specifying delimiters and data types through optional parameters.

Here is the coding example given:-

Import numpy as np
#Loading data from a CSV file into a NumPy array
File_ path = ‘data.csv’
data_ array = np. Load txt(file_path, delimiter '.’) # Assuming CSV comma delimiter
Print( data_ array)

In this above code the np. loadtxt() reads the data from “ data.csv”. it assumes that the file contains comma-separated values ( CSV) due to the “delimiter= ', ' parameter. This above function mainly converts the data into a NumPy array whose name is “data_ array”.

In scenarios like missing or incomplete data, there are some additional parameters available such as “filling_ values”. Some custom functions are also there to be used I. the “loadtxt” function to manage these circumstances.

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