How can I solve the issue of “Python not recognizing your custom package path”?

361    Asked by Unnatigautam in Python , Asked on Jan 11, 2024

 I am assigned a task which is related to Python which includes the task of importing custom modules and packages, however, I am encountering an error message that is showing “Python not recognizing your custom package path”. How can I solve this particular issue? 

Answered by Charles Parr

 In the context of Python programming language, if you are finding the error message related to “Python package path” or “Python not recognizing your custom package path”, then it could be due to the incorrect structure of packages. Here are the steps given for troubleshooting this particular issue:-

Checking the structure of the project

Ensure that you have the appropriate project structure. An ideal project structure is that which includes a directory containing an “” file.

Adding a directory to sys.path

If there is a scenario where your package is not in the standard location, then you can adjust its location by adding its directory to “sys.path” by using:-

Import sys


Relative Imports

You can use the relative Imports in your package to ensure proper reference of modules in the package itself:-

  From .subpackage import module_name

Virtual environment

Considering a virtual environment can isolate the project dependencies and paths which can reduce the conflicts and will lead you to a seamless project structure.

PYTHONPATH Environment Variable

Now set the “PYTHONPATH” environment variable for including the path in your package.

Export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/your/package
Set PYTHONPATH=C:path oyourpackage

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