How can I use a Python stop program when a specific condition is met?

655    Asked by ChloeBurgess in Python , Asked on Jan 2, 2024

 I am currently developing a Python script that can gather data from external sources. However, I need to execute a mechanism where the program stops its working process if a specific condition is met. How can I use the conditional checking within the Python script to stop the program when the condition evaluates to “true”? 

You can stop program if condition is met with the specific terms set by you by using conditional statements such as “if” along with the “sys” module’s “exists” function. The “exit” function would terminate the function of your application immediately.

Here is the example given to showcase how you can stop a Python-based program based on a condition:-

Import sys

# Define your condition
Condition_met = True # Replace this with your actual condition
# Check the condition
If condition_met:
    Print(“Condition met. Stopping the program.”)
    Sys.exit() # Terminate the program
    # Continue program execution
    Print(“Condition not met. Program continues.”)
    # Additional code execution here…

Thus above approach allows you to execute a condition in a Python script which would halt the Python-based application or program when the specific conditions are met. This would also ensure that the program should be processed in a controlled manner.

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