How can I use np.newaxis for manipulation of the arrays?

475    Asked by bhagwatidubey in Python , Asked on Jan 10, 2024

 I am currently working on a machine learning project in which I need to manipulate the arrays for proper input into a neural network. How can I apply the function of “np.newaxis” for reshape the arrays? 

Answered by Ashish Sinha

 In the context of Python programming language, the np.newaxis is used in the manipulation of the arrays. It is a NumPy tool that is used in increasing the dimensions of arrays.

Here is the example given for the Practical application of the function of np.newaxis:-

Consider a scenario where you have a one-dimensional NumPy array:-

Import numpy as np

  Arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

Now let’s consider that you need to change this one-dimensional array into a column vector. Then you can use this particular function for introducing a new axis, then this function would change it into a two-dimensional array:-

Column_vector = arr[:, np.newaxis]
# or equivalently
Column_vector = arr[:, None]

Thus np.newaxia is used in the adjustment or manipulation of the array shapes. It converts the shapes of arrays according to your needs and requirements for matching the input format which further helps you match learning models.

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