How to check a function if it array or not in Python?

246    Asked by CameronOliver in Python , Asked on Jul 22, 2024

I am currently engaged in a particular task that is related to developing a Python-based application that can process the data received from a remote sensor. The data is expected to be in the form of an array. Occasionally, due to transmission errors, the data may arrive as a single Integer or even a different type altogether. To ensure the integrity of my data processing pipeline, I need to implement a check to verify that the received data is indeed an array before proceeding with further operations. How can I write a function “is_array(data) which can take a single parameter data and returns True if the data is an array and false otherwise? 

Answered by Dipika Agarwal

 In the context of Python programming language, to ensure the robustness of the data processing pipeline, you would need to verify that the received data is of the correct type before proceeding with further any operations. Specifically, you would need to check if the data is a list (array) or not. This validation would help you to prevent the runtime error and ensure that the data processing logic only operates on valid inputs.


You can define a function “is_array(data) which can check if the input data is a list. This function would use Python’s built-in isinstance() function which would allow you to check the type of a variable. You can then demonstrate how this function can be applied to the different data samples.

Def is_array(data):
    Check if the given data is an array (list).
    Data (any): The data to be checked.
    Bool: True if data is a list, False otherwise.
    Return isinstance(data, list)
# Sample data
Data_samples = [
    [23, 45, 67, 89], # Valid list
    42, # Integer
    None, # NoneType
    ‘some string’, # String
    [15, 28, 39, 54, 72] # Valid list
# Process the data samples
For I, data in enumerate(data_samples):
    If is_array(data):
        Print(f”Sample {i+1}: Data is a valid array. Processing data: {data}”)
        # Add your data processing logic here
        Print(f”Sample {i+1}: Data is not a valid array. Skipping data: {data}”)
Here is also a Java-based approach given where you need to check if a given variable is an array or not and demonstrate its use with the various data types. This would include a method to check if an object is an array or not and another method to process the array if it is valid.
Java implementation
Import java.util.Arrays;
Import java.util.List;
Public class ArrayChecker {
    // Method to check if the given object is an array
    Public static boolean isArray(Object data) {
        Return data instanceof int[] || data instanceof double[] || data instanceof String[];
    // Method to process the array
    Public static String processArray(Object data) {
        If (data instanceof int[]) {
            Int[] array = (int[]) data;
            If (array.length == 0) {
                Return “Data array is empty.”;
            Int sum =;
            Return “Sum of array elements: “ + sum;
        } else if (data instanceof double[]) {
            Double[] array = (double[]) data;
            If (array.length == 0) {
                Return “Data array is empty.”;
            Double sum =;
            Return “Sum of array elements: “ + sum;
        } else if (data instanceof String[]) {
            String[] array = (String[]) data;
            If (array.length == 0) {
                Return “Data array is empty.”;
            String concatenated = String.join(“, “, array);
            Return “Concatenated array elements: “ + concatenated;
        Return “Unsupported array type.”;
    Public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Sample data
        List dataSamples = Arrays.asList(
            New int[]{23, 45, 67, 89}, // Valid int array
            42, // Integer
            Null, // Null
            “some string”, // String
            New int[]{15, 28, 39, 54, 72}, // Valid int array
            New double[]{1.1, 2.2, 3.3}, // Valid double array
            New String[]{“apple”, “banana”, “cherry”}, // Valid string array
            New Object(), // Object
            Arrays.asList(10, 20, 30) // List
        // Process the data samples
        For (int I = 0; I < dataSamples xss=removed xss=removed>

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