How to resolve mongoose casterror to object id?

604    Asked by diashrinidhi in Python , Asked on Jul 27, 2023

 I am a novice to node.js. I am aiming to make a path for creating a child object, include it to the parent’s range of children, and return the child object to the requester. However, on passing the string id into findByld, node collides with

TypeError : Object {} has no method ‘cast’
On passing in an Obejctid, there’s an error
The code is depicted below:
Var mongoose = require (‘mongoose’);
Car schema = mongoose.schema;
Var objectId = schema.ObjectId;
// have also tried schema.Types.ObjectId, mongoose.ObjectId
Mongoose.connect (‘mongodb://user:password@server :port/database’0;
app.get9’/myclass/; Id/childClass/create’, function(request, result) {
Var id = new objectId (request.params.Id); Myclass.findByid(id).exec ( functions
If (err || !myclass) {
result.send(“ error: “ + err + “
“ +
JSON.stringify(id) || (“object ‘“ + request.params.Id
“‘ not found : “ + id));
Var child = childclass();
myclass.children.addToset(child);;result. send(child);
I attempted to deploy the findone and passing in {_id:id}. I also attempted the various classes for ObjectId.
CastError : Cast to objectid failed for value “ [object Obejct]” at path “ _id”

Answered by Diane Carr

The below-written code can be used to fix the casterror: cast to objectid failed for value.

My schema:

Const product = new mongooseClient.schema({
retailer ID : { type: mongoose.schemaTypes.ObjectId,
Required: true, index: true }
And then, when inserting:
retailerID: ${retailer._ id}
You need to cast the data to mongodb object id. While using mongoose, you can try the below code:
Const mongoose = require(‘mongoose’);
Const ObjectId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId;
[your_mongodb_model/collection].query({ _id: ObjectId(id) });
You can try another code:
[your_mongodb_model].query({ _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id)

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