Mongod: Command Not Found (OS X)

1.3K    Asked by Amitraj in Python , Asked on Nov 18, 2022

I am trying to test MongoDB and I have it all downloaded and moved into the root folder. I can navigate to the folder that holds the mongod, but when I try to run it by typing "mongod" into my terminal, I get a message that says: "mongod: command not found"

Answered by Amit verma

Mongod command not found

For example, install 64bit MongoDB 2.6.12 on macOS Catalina. (for newest versions you may go to for your platform).
Download, extract and move:
tar xzf mongodb-osx-x86_64-2.6.12.tgz
mv mongodb-osx-x86_64-2.6.12/ /usr/local/mongodb/
Add to file ~/.zshrc this:
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/mongodb/bin"
PS: .bash_profile or .profile not worked in my case
Reload terminal (or close, open it):
source ~/.zshrc
Make directory for data and set rights:
mkdir -p ~/data/db
chown -R mongodb.mongodb ~/data/db
Run MongoDB:
mongod --dbpath ~/data/db

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