Python error “ImportError: No module named”

1.1K    Asked by IshaPatil in Python , Asked on Mar 3, 2021

 Python is installed in a local directory.

My directory tree looks like this:

(local directory)/site-packages/toolkit/

My code is here:

(local directory)/site-packages/toolkit/examples/

To run the example, I write python, and in the code I have:

from toolkit.interface import interface

And I get the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 28, in ?

  from toolkit.interface import interface

ImportError: No module named toolkit.interface

I have already checked sys.path and there I have the directory /site-packages. Also, I have the file in the toolkit folder to indicate to Python that this is a package. I also have a in the examples directory.

I do not know why Python cannot find the file when it is in sys.path. Any ideas? Can it be a permissions problem? Do I need some execution permission?

Answered by Isha Patil

If you are facing python importerror: no module named error then to get rid of this error you just need to create in the appropriate directory and everything will work fine.

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