Python error saying "AttributeError: can't set attribute"

986    Asked by ranjan_6399 in Python , Asked on Apr 15, 2021
 I'm trying to execute the following python code:
class C(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._x = 0
    def x(self):
        print 'getting'
        return self._x
    def set_x(self, value):
        print 'setting'
        self._x = value
if __name__ == '__main__':
    c = C()
    print c.x
    c.x = 10
    print c.x
But I get the following attributeerror: can't set attribute:
pydev debugger: starting
File "", line 55, in 
c.x = 10
AttributeError: can't set attribute
Answered by Ranjana Admin

The reason you are getting this error “attributeerror: can't set attribute” is that you are naming the setter method incorrectly. You have named the setter method as set_x which is incorrect, that’s why you are getting the Attribute Error.

To fix this error, instead of naming it as set_x you need to give it the same name as the property you creating a setter for, in your case, you can do it like this:

def x(self, value):
    self._x = value

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