What do you mean by python scripting What is a script and a module in python

849    Asked by KatherineGray in Python , Asked on Jul 26, 2021

 I am new to python scripting. Can anyone tell what is the difference between a module and a script in python?

Answered by Radhika Patel

 A script is used to automate certain tasks in a program. It can run by itself and it is less code intensive whereas modules in python is referred as a library which can not run by its own. It needs to get imported in order to use it.

Scripting in python language uses an Interpreter to translate its source code. The interpreter reads and executes each line of code one at a time, just like a SCRIPT for a play or an audition, hence the term "scripting language".

Python uses an interpreter to translate and run its code and that's why it's called a scripting language

A Python script normally can be full of functions that can be imported as a library of functions in other scripts, or a python script can be a command that runs in Rhino.

There is a way to have Python definitions be both a library of functions and a direct command.

The key is to add these statements to the end of the file:

  if __name__ == '__main__':

    CreateCircle() # Put the a call to the main function in the file

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