What are Python scripts?

208    Asked by DeirdreCameron in Python , Asked on Jan 11, 2024

 I am new in the field of programming language such as Python programming language therefore I have no concept regarding the scripts of Python. Can you explain to me the meaning of Python script and its uses? 

Answered by Daniel BAKER

 In the context of Python programming language, the scripts are mainly files that can Include sequences of statements and even commands which is used in performing specific tasks. These scripts are mainly written in plain text and they have generally an extension of “.py”

Python scripts can have a range from simple sequences of commands to complex programs. Therefore, they are generally used for a wide range of purposes such as data processing, web development, scientific computing, and many more.

Here is the basic example given of a Python script:-

# This is a simple Python script
Print(“Hello, world!”)
# Performing a calculation
Result = 5 + 3
Print(“The result is:”, result)

When the above script is implemented the interpreter of Python would print the message “Hello, world!” to the Console and then after will calculate the sum of 5 and 3, displaying the result of 8.

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