What are the methods used in Python to work string?

270    Asked by Chandralekhadebbie in Python , Asked on Nov 20, 2023

I was enrolled in a Python certification program and I am confused by one of its concepts of Python substring. Can you provide me with several examples to make an understanding of this specific concept?

Answered by Danna sahi

 In the context of the Python certification program you will need to do Python substring and extraction. There are various various methods available for doing these. For instance one of the examples is called a string slice. In the string slice, you can specify the start and end indices to get the required substring. For example:-

'my_ string [start _ index: end _index] returns the substring from ‘start_ index to end _ index -1’. Python also allows and offers you to use functions like find() and index () to conform substrings within a string.

Moreover, the second method is known as split () which is famous for dividing a string into substrings based on a specified separator. The libraries for instance regular expression provide assurance of complex substring manipulation by using matching of the pattern.

Therefore, these methods are here to provide effective service to developers so that they can run, handle, and manage the string effectively and smoothly.

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