What is the difference between an Identifier and a variable in Python?

566    Asked by AadityaSrivastva in Python , Asked on Jan 2, 2024

 In the context of Python programming language where I have a lot of variables, multiples, and classes, how would I explain the difference between an Identifier and a modifier? 

In the context of Python programming language, the difference between Identifier and variable is that the identifier is a name that is used in identifying a variable, function, class, and other important elements which can consist of letters, digits, and even underscores however it must begin with a letter or underscore.

Here is the instance given:-

“my_varibale = 10”

In the above instance the “my_varibale” is an identifier.

On the other hand, a variable is a named space in memory that is used in storing data. It is incorporated with an Identifier however it is not the same thing. When a value is assigned to the Identifier it means you are creating a variable. Here is the Instance given:-

“my_variable = 10”

In this above scenario the “my_variable” refers to the Identifier which represents a variable that includes the value of 10.

Therefore the crucial difference between an identifier and modifier is that the Identifier is the name that is used to refer to a Variable, on the other hand, the variable is the location of memory which holds a particular value.

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