What is the method of “split” in the context of Python programming?

259    Asked by Bhaanumatishukla in Python , Asked on Nov 7, 2023

As a member of the Python certification course I am confused about split string in Python. Can you explain the usage of Python split string so that I can go through the upcoming concepts related to Python?

Answered by Chloe Burgess

The Python split string method is generally used to divide a string into the components of substrings. The division is done on the basis of a specified separator. This particular method uses spaces, commas, or other characters to enable the parsing of strings into distinct elements. It means by default split divide the string at every occurrence on the basis of the delimiter that you provide. There are also additional parameters that can limit the number of splits performed, for instance splitting a newline character. For better showcase here is an example to illustrate. “string.split(',')” would split a sentence at each comma.

User can also manipulate the strings according to their requirements through a split string of Python. Therefore, this split method in Python is beneficial in different scenarios such as CSV files and log data. It makes easy transformation of the string into a more manageable list of elements for further manipulation. For more knowledge on it, you can join an online Python certification program.

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