Which is not a Python reserved keyword?

122    Asked by behail_3566 in Python , Asked on Jul 8, 2024

Which of the following is not a Python reserved word? Here are the options given below:

Def  Class  Import  Execute
Answered by Bella Blake

In the context of Python programming language, among all the options given above the option that is not a Python reserved word is option 4 which refers to the execute.

The execute in the context of Python programming language isn’t a reserved word, however, it is a commonly used word in various contexts, especially related to the implementation of the code command.

The “def” is a Python reserved word. The reserved words are the keywords that have special meanings in the programming language and they cannot be used as identifiers for the variables, functions, or even other entries. The def is primarily being used in Python for defining a function. A function is a particular block of code that is designed to perform a particular task, and it cannot be refused throughout the program. Functions can be helped in organizing the code which would make it more readable and easier to manage.

Here is a syntax of “def”:-
Def function_name(parameters):
    Return value

The class is also a Python-based reserved keyword that is used to define a class, which is a blueprint for creating objects. Classes can encapsulate the data and the functions that can operate on that data, which would enable object-oriented programming. They can allow for code reusability, organization, and q modular approach for the programming. Here is a syntax given in class:-

Class ClassName:

    “””Docstring for class description”””
    Def __init__(self, parameters):
        Self.attribute = parameters
    Def method(self):
        # Code for method

The import statement is also a Python reserved keyword that is used to include an external modules or even specific functions, classes, and variables from the modules in your particular script. Modules are files that can contain Python code, which can include also functions, classes, and variables. The “import” statement would allow you to reuse the code across multiple scripts and also the project, which would promote code organization and modularity. Here is the syntax Given of it:-

  Import module_name

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