Which one of the options is not supported in Python 3?

295    Asked by DanielCameron in Python , Asked on Dec 11, 2023

 As compared to Python 2, which is not supported in Python -3? The options are the following:-


Exceptional handling



Answered by Chloe Burgess

 In the context of Python the option which is not supported in Python 3 is option 4 which refers to the range. It was a part of Python 2 however, there is no such function in Python 3.

Option 1 which refers to UNICODE is a default string type in Python that allows to developers handle the text in different languages and coding.

Option 2 which refers to exceptional handling is another unique feature supported by Python 3. It is used in handling trackbacks and more informative error messages.

Option 3 which refers to Yield is an expression that is used in comprehensions or other relevant constructs. It allows developers to gain more productivity in generators and iterators as compared to Python 2.

Option 4 which refers to the range function is not supported in Python 3. It was mainly a component of Python 2 and used in the ratio of a range of numbers within an iterator.

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