As an end user, you see the link Help Center at the footer of On clicking Help Center link, you find the page is not opening. What would be the severity and priority of this bug?

933    Asked by BuffyHeaton in QA Testing , Asked on Nov 15, 2019
Answered by Ashish Mishra

As we know the severity of the bug is defined based on the impact the

bug is causing in the application and the risks it poses to the business flow

and costs associated with it. However, priority has its own business values, if

this is frequent used feature or not and how much is its need in current

scenario. This bug has high severity as the functionality is missing for Help

center page. It has low priority as users very rarely click on footer links. This is

always to be remembered that it’s the tester who assigns severity of the bug

however priority is defined by product owner.

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